Keynote Speakers

Eric Kreiger
Eric Kreiger is a Research Civil Engineer at the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign, IL. Mr. Kreiger is the Structural Engineering and Materials lead for ERDC’s Additive Construction (Construction Scale 3D printing) program located at CERL. As such, Mr. Kreiger performs and manages research projects in materials development, Structural modelling, materials and structural testing, and reviews of additive construction technologies from industry and academia for the US Department of Defense. Mr. Kreiger is a licensed professional engineer and a member of USACE Urban Search and Rescue Structures Specialist cadre. He graduated from Michigan Technological University with a BS and MS degree, where his research focused on concrete materials. Prior to his role at ERDC, Mr. Kreiger was a project engineer in private sector. He is experienced in the design and forensic evaluation of buildings, bridges, sculptures, and other infrastructure. He is an active member of ACI 564, ASTM C.09, ASCE, and has been involved in several symposiums/conferences related to this technology. Mr. Kreiger was co-chair of the ASTM Symposium on Standards Development for Cement and Concrete for use in Additive Construction and is leading the structural efforts in the ACI 564 committee.

Freek Bos
Freek Bos is an Assistant Professor of Concrete Structures at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He has been part of the 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) research group since 2015. His current focus is on innovative reinforcement concepts for 3DCP, including printable SHCC and robotically introduced reinforcement elements, on which he supervises several PhD projects. He has also been involved in 3DCP construction projects, including the Cohesion pavilion in Innsbruck. Freek is deputy chair of the RILEM TC ADC (Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures).

Guowei Ma
Prof Ma obtained his Bachelor of Science (Mechanics) in 1989 from Peking University, Master of Engineering (Civil Engineering) in 1992 from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, and PhD (Civil Engineering) in 2000 from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Prof Ma’s professional experiences cover a good number of eastern and western countries. Besides the research experiences in Japan and USA, he was a tenured Associate Professor in Nanyang Technological University, Professor in the University of Western Australia, and President of Western Australia Chinese Scientist Association. In 2017, he was appointed to be the Vice President of Hebei University of Technology, China.
Prof Ma’s research interests include 3D concrete printing and intelligent construction, sustainable construction material, computational method for discontinuous material, etc. As an internationally established researcher, he chaired more than 20 national-level competitive research programs/projects in Singapore, Australia and China, founded 4 research centers/labs related to 3D concrete printing and intelligent construction, published 5 books and over 300 high quality articles in international journals and conferences, served as Associate Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board Member of 8 international journals. Prof Ma’s international recognition is also credited by a remarkable number of invited talks in prestigious international conferences. He is listed in the Stanford study of the top 2% of scientists in the world for research citations.
Prof Ma received a number of research awards including State Natural Science Award of China, One Thousand Talent Plan of China, Hebei Province Technological Invention Award, Guinness World Record for the longest 3D-printed bridge, etc.

Kathrin Dörfler
Kathrin Dörfler is an architect and researcher in the field of computational design and robotic fabrication. She has a Master’s in Architecture from TU Vienna and a Ph.D. in Digital Fabrication from ETH Zurich. Together with Romana Rust, she co-founded the architectural research studio dorfundrust. Kathrin’s doctoral thesis was carried out at Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, as part of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. (NCCR DFAB). Her thesis Strategies for Robotic In situ Fabrication was developed in close collaboration with robotics scientists. It conceived methods for using robots for fabrication not only in laboratory environments but directly on construction sites, in combination with architectural design strategies for such robot-made structures. In 2019, Kathrin joined the TUM School of Engineering and Design (TUM SoED) at the Technical University of Munich as a Tenure Track Professor to set up a research group for Digital Fabrication at the Department of Architecture. The research interests of her group lie at the interface between computational design and robotic fabrication, focusing on collaborative fabrication processes, on-site robotics, and fabrication-aware design. In addition to research, Kathrin has taught in Vienna, Zurich, and Munich in Architecture programs as well as in specialized postgraduate programs in Architecture and Digital Fabrication (MAS DFAB ETH Zurich).

Viktor Mechtcherine
Viktor Mechtcherine is Director of the Institute for Construction Materials and Full Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. He is Coordinator of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program SPP 2005 „Opus Fluidum Futurum – Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multi-phase construction materials“ and Speaker of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2250 „Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety“. Prof. Mechtcherine is Editor of the Journals “Cement and Concrete Composites” and “Materials and Structures”, Member of the Science Academy of Saxony and the Russian Engineering Academy, Chair of RILEM Technical Committee “Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures” and Chair of the Working Group “Digital concrete construction by additive manufacturing” of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb). He is RILEM Fellow and awardee of Wason Medal for Materials Research by American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Innovation Award of the bauma 2016 Munich.